Swoop 16 - mountain, speed flying & soaring

Foot launch is easy with the Swoop 16. In flight it reacts gently to gentle inputs. If you initiate steeper turns it will quickly show its character. The glide angle allows use on mountains or free flying sites. The Swoop 16 is easily accessible: however due to the flying speeds specific training is recommended (take-off assessment, approach technique and flare).

The Swoop 16 opens a new perspective for soaring in strong wind.

Accessories & Options

The Swoop, and Mountain Swoop are delivered with a protective underbag, a flight manual, a small repair kit and a carry backpack. When ordering, please specify the carry backpack. We suggest wing : the Mini Flash Bag, the Flash 55l (default option), or the Montagne Bag 75l

Note : the Mountain Swoop 16 will hold with an "expé" harness in the MiniFlash bag.

The Mountain Swoop comes with halyard Dyneema risers with trims by default. For no extra charge you can request rises with strap trims: +325g.

Caution: mini-wing flying is a new activity. The response to command, the trajectories and the approach to landing are all different. We recommend beginning with a qualified instructor.